Drain Specialist

Your City’s #1 Plumbing Service Provider

Drain services


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Do you need drain cleaning in Western Cape?  Of all the conveniences in the last 10 years that homeowners have taken for granted, one of the biggest has to be indoor plumbing. Every private and public building in the westernized world has indoor toilets and plumbing, and people assume they will work like magic when needed. How do you handle clogged drains? In most cases, the best solution is to call an experienced and qualified plumber for drain cleaning Cape Town.


Our Plumbing Services

camera inspection

Camera Inspection to locate your drain problem to identify the exact nature and location of any obstruction in the sewer system. Our submersible camera travels through the pipe providing a clear video image of the pipes interior and its progress is viewed on a monitor.


Many people often don’t notice how their drains become less efficient over time. It’s easy to miss when the changes in draining ability are so gradual. Whether you notice or not, we’re here to tell you that if you’ve gone years using the same drain without having it cleaned, it’s not doing its job as well as when it was new.

Grease and food particles that get washed down the kitchen drain begin to line the insides of the pipes. After a long time of slowly building up, the thick layer of gunk makes it hard for water to get through. The circumference of the pipe gets noticeably smaller. It’s easy to tell your drain needs to be cleaned if the water slowly begins to pool in the sink while you’re washing up. If this is a sudden change, you may have a clog. However, if it’s been getting worse over time, it’s because a drain is just too dirty to keep up with a steady stream of water anymore.

The next problem with a dirty kitchen drain is that it can start to smell. It smells when you’ve got rotten particles of food, grease, and other contaminants trapped in your drain. The smell often becomes apparent while running hot water, as particles and gasses from the drain escape in the steam. Cleaning up a dirty drain will make this smell disappear. However, that’s not all if will do. It will also make your drain safer by removing bacteria from your kitchen.


As you might imagine, breathing in the aforementioned particles and gasses from your drain isn’t good for your health. Neither is allowing a dirty drain to contaminate your dishwater. Do you know what loves food particles? Bugs and bacteria do.

Having your drain professionally cleaned lowers the number of bacteria hanging out in your kitchen drain. And, if there’s any part of the house were cutting down on bacteria is optimal, it’s the kitchen. After all, you don’t want bacteria where you’re preparing food for you and your family.

Keeping your home functional and safe is important. Therefore, we make it our mission to keep it that way. Give us a call today if your drain is showing any of these signs of needing to be cleaned. We’ll be happy to lend you a hand anywhere in Cape Town

With one phone call to our 24-hour drain services technicians dispatch, we can determine what equipment and or drain services will be required to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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